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If you are a smoker, you may be concerned about the negative impact on your health and find it challenging to quit due to the highly addictive nature of nicotine. Quitting smoking without assistance can be tough, and many people don't succeed on their first attempt. However, it is possible to quit smoking. Take the first step by making the decision to quit and setting a quit date. You can increase your chances of success by utilizing available resources to help you quit smoking.

Quit-smoking action plan

Once you've made the decision to quit smoking, the next step is to create a quit-smoking action plan. Getting support should be one of the first steps of your plan. This can come from a variety of sources, such as family, friends, healthcare providers, counselors, support groups, telephone quit lines, and web-based or text messaging programs. It's also important to plan for challenges by identifying high-risk places to avoid and finding smoke-free environments to go to, such as shopping malls, museums, or movie theaters.

Living smoke-free

To live smoke-free means an opportunity to live a healthier and potentially longer life, along with enjoying a better quality of life that comes with more energy and a heightened sense of taste and smell. However, living smoke-free doesn't imply living stress-free, as stress is a common reason why smokers relapse. Instead of resorting to nicotine to manage stress, you need to adopt new coping strategies. Being proactive, such as engaging in physical activities and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, can help manage stress. Additionally, online resources, library books, or consulting a healthcare provider or mental health professional can provide further assistance.

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